What Happens to Your Skin After Getting a Tattoo Removal Service

Deciding to remove a tattoo can be a big step, whether you’re moving on from a past mistake or simply looking for a fresh start. But what exactly happens to your skin once the tattoo is removed? Here’s a simple guide to help you understand the changes your skin might go through after a tattoo removal service.

Changes in Your Skin After a Tattoo Removal Procedure

1. Initial Redness and Swelling

After your tattoo removal session, it is normal for your skin to be red and swollen. This reaction is similar to what happens when you get a sunburn. Your body is responding to the removal process, which can feel uncomfortable. The redness usually fades within a few days, and the swelling should decrease as your skin starts to heal. It is natural and part of the healing journey.

2. Scabbing and Peeling

You might notice scabbing and peeling in the days following your treatment. It is a way of removing the old treated layers. It can be a bit unsettling to see your skin flaking off, but it’s an essential part of the healing process. It’s important not to pick at the scabs, as they help protect the new skin forming underneath.

3. Itchiness and Sensitivity

As your skin heals, it is common to experience some itchiness and sensitivity. It can be a sign that your skin is repairing itself and regenerating. While it might be tempting to scratch, resist the urge to avoid any potential scarring or irritation. Gently moisturising the area can help soothe the itchiness and keep your skin comfortable.

4. Changes in Skin Colour 

You might notice that the treated area changes as it heals. It can include temporary darkening or lightening of the skin. Your skin is going through the normal healing process as it adjusts and regenerates. Over time, the skin should return to its natural colour, although it might not look the same as before the tattoo was applied.

5. Potential for Scarring

Although modern tattoo removal techniques are advanced, there is always a small risk of scarring. How much your skin scars depends on several factors, including the type of tattoo, the removal method used, and how well you follow aftercare instructions. Following your practitioner’s advice can help minimise the risk and ensure the best possible outcome.

6. Long-term Skin Health

Once the healing process is complete, your skin should look much like before you got the tattoo. However, there might be slight changes in texture or tone. Most people find that their skin returns to its normal state with time, though it is always a good idea to keep the area protected from sun exposure to maintain its health and appearance.

Final Insights

If you are ready to get your tattoo removed, understanding what happens to your skin after a tattoo removal service can help you navigate the healing process. We have a high-powered laser system with an absorption spectrum of various ink colours. You can contact us to learn more about our tattoo removal or other non-surgical treatments. 



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